Changed Your Mind

“Over where the rainbow meets the darkened sky I pretended there was hope for you and I....”

This painting holds a special place in my heart; its rugged seascape speaks volumes about life's ebb and flow. The tumultuous waves symbolize the unpredictability we all face, while the tranquil moments reflect the calm that follows every storm. It's a reminder that nothing in life is permanent, and that's okay—it's all part of the journey.

When I rest my eyes at it, I'm reminded to stay grounded, to embrace change, and to approach each day with humility and gratitude. It's a gentle nudge to follow my inner calling, knowing that the universe has a way of guiding me towards true happiness.

changed your mind, sgd 3000
30x40 inches, 2019
oil on canvas

“Over where the rainbow meets the darkened sky I pretended there was hope for you and I....”

"Changed Your Mind" by Chris Isaak (Spotify link)
(Inspirational music)


Good Thing

